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PDF Authoring Expert

IT (інформаційні технології)

Readdle is a pioneering force in the personal productivity space on Apple devices, having shaped the landscape since 2007.

Our mission is to empower individuals and teams with innovative technology, enhancing their efficiency and creativity

About the role:

Now we're looking for a PDF Form Expert. The ideal candidate for this position must be highly attentive and meticulous, ensuring accuracy in every aspect of form development. We're open to a part-time cooperation or a full-time role within the team.

Key skills and qualifications include:

- Adobe Acrobat Expertise: High proficiency in Adobe Acrobat is crucial. The candidate must be adept at creating interactive PDF forms, editing existing forms, and managing document functionalities such as merging, splitting, and securing PDFs.

- JavaScript Knowledge: The candidate should be comfortable with JavaScript to add dynamic elements and custom functionalities to PDF forms, including validations and automation.

- Microsoft Excel and Word Proficiency: The candidate should have solid experience with these applications for efficient data management and text formatting, which is critical for form content preparation.

- Graphic Design Skills: Proficiency in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Figma or any other vector graphic editor is essential. The candidate should be skilled in creating and editing visual elements, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of PDF forms.

- Typography and Design Fundamentals: A basic understanding of typography and design principles is required. The candidate should know how to use fonts, colors, and layout effectively to make forms user-friendly and visually attractive.

- Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English are vital. The candidate should be capable of explaining complex scenarios and instructions clearly to clients, ensuring effective and efficient communication.

What you will get at Readdle:

- Customer-centric culture. We put our customers first. It means that every employee can benefit from interacting with our customers directly. It enables us to create and deliver the best solutions for millions of our users.

- Professional growth. We are professionals at everything we do. It means we own our decisions, our work, and our results. We provide quality feedback to others and welcome feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve.

- A team of amazing people. The greatest power we have is the team. It means we care about each other, ensure transparency, and invest in everyone's success.

- Impact on our products. We aim to create valuable products. It means that we improve ourselves constantly by overcoming constraints, simplifying our processes, and improving our capacity.

- Innovative culture. We try to be innovative and creative in everything we do. It means that we expect, appreciate and value new ideas.

Інші вакансії

Лінійні спеціальності
інженер з обслуговування медичного обладнання
Лінійні спеціальності
Спеціаліст з виготовлення ключів
Лінійні спеціальності
Водій-машиніст екскаватора, екскаваторник

Зв'язатися з нами

Email для ЗМІ: dopomoha@ybc.club

HR відділ: +380972073838